Running is, hands down, one of the most efficient forms of physical exercise. Not only does running provide an effective cardio workout, but it also provides important benefits to bones, joints, and muscles. However, for as great of an exercise that running is, it can be difficult for beginners to get started and stay motivated. Listed below are a few tips for beginners looking to complete a 2k run.
Dress appropriately
Although this first step may seem trivial, how you dress for exercise can make a difference. Overdressing, or under dressing, for the elements can make your run less enjoyable and more difficult. If under dressed in cold weather, the body must redirect energy to regulate body temperature, which will make an already-tough endeavor even more difficult. If overdressed in warm weather, excessive sweating or an extreme rise in body temperature can dramatically increase the difficulty level of the activity. New runners should dress in layers that can easily be shed, and also keep in mind this general rule of thumb: dress for running as if the outside temperature is 20o warmer. Here is a link to Amazon for running products
Start slowly
When tackling the 2k distance for the first time, start slowly. While it may be tempting to start the run at
a fast clip in order to complete the run quickly, doing so will only result in
difficulties later on. Begin with the
mindset that the first 1k will be your slowest, and that you will run faster
for your second 1k, if possible.
Approaching the run in this way will ensure you keep from burning out
too soon.
If necessary, walk
If completing 2k all at once is too difficult, do not be afraid to
incorporate planned walk breaks. For
instance, many new runners benefit from a run-walk-run program where they
alternate running for 2:00 and walking for 1:00. As running becomes easier, increase the
amount of time spent running, and decrease the amount of time spent
walking. Alternatively, some beginners
find that running for distance is more enjoyable. In this case, alternate running 300 m and
walking 100 m. Eventually, running the
entire 2k distance will be easy!
Think positive
The body is only as strong as the mind.
When beginning to run, remember that a positive attitude and outlook on
exercise will go a long way. Use
reframing strategies to help you continue running. Instead of saying, “running 2k is hard,”
think of how good you will feel when you finish. Bargaining strategies can help beginning (and
veteran) runners as well. If you find
yourself struggling to get through the run, focus on a distant object (such as
a tree) and break the run up into smaller segments. For
instance, you may tell yourself that if you make it to the tree, you will
reward yourself with a special treat.
Then, focus on the next object in front of you and think of how you will
reward yourself for pushing through the discomfort.
Have fun
Ultimately, going out for a run should be fun. Do not forget to make the run an enjoyable experience. Invite a friend, explore somewhere new, jog with your dog, or find any (safe) way to make your workout a good experience!
In addition to all of our running inspired articles we also have an excellent eBook (PDF) format for download available. Here is the link to our running eBook that is chock full of helpful running information for beginners. Enjoy!